Honors Program Community:
The Honors Program advances its mission by bringing together students who are a good fit with the Honors Program to live and learn together and to build an enduring community with fellow Honors Program students and with Honors Program alumni, faculty, and staff. The cycle of community-building in the Honors Program proceeds as follows:
- Each spring, the Honors Program staff and the Honors Leadership Council (HLC) review applications to the Honors Program from students admitted to Georgia Tech to identify and extend invitations to those who are most likely to benefit from and help advance the Honors Program mission.
- Entering students who accept invitations to join the Honors Program move into the Honors Program Residence Hall in Eighth Street Apartments and participate in the Honors Program Retreat, planned and led by the HLC in collaboration with Honors Program staff, and begin to build community.
- Community bonds grow stronger as fall classes get underway and Honors Program students live and learn together supported by the amenities of the Honors Program Office Suite (study space, kitchen area, piano, digital screen) and the availability of Honors Program staff for advising and support and the HLC for mentoring.
- Community ties expand as first-year and upper-level students and Honors Program faculty and staff get to know one another and Honors Program alumni return to campus for events and activities throughout the year.
- The Honors Program celebrates at the conclusion of each year at the Honors Program Spring Banquet (also known as HProm), offering best wishes to graduating seniors and bidding them farewell until their return to campus as Honors Program alumni.